Who needs an architect?

After reading the article "Who Needs an Architect?" by Martin Fowler, I found many interesting things that I would like to express through this blog entry. 

One thing I found really interesting is the way the author explains what things architect and architecture do and how they are connected to software programming. I also found interesting the way the text describes software architecture, according to IEEE, software architect is defined as  "the highest level concept of a system in its environment" and Ralph Johnson describes it as a "how the system is divided into components and how the components interact through interfaces". These two definitions may be different but I think there are some similar points between them, they both include the idea of a team. This is a very important concept in software architecture because a complete software is not made only by a person, it is the teamwork that can make this possible. 

Now, talking about architects and architecture, I think that an architect is someone who plans and builds things but after reading the article, I learned that a software architect is someone who will set up the tools and environments for the development of the program, we can say that he will plan all the needed things to build the program. He also manages the work and establishes delegates for the tasks that the development phase will have. 

Finally, the software architect will have to know very good his team, he must know how to improve the abilities of all the team members to make the project evolve, he must guide the team and create an experienced team so after they work by themselves they won't need a coach. 

I keep on learning about software architects and software architecture, I think it is a very important job in the software development industry. 


- Fowler, M. (2013, July). Who Needs an Architect?[PDF]. IEEE Software.


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